There are few bands that I love more than the Avett Brothers. I was first introduced to the Avett Brothers a few years ago from my friend Jake Nelko and my sister at right around the same time. At this point the Avett Brothers were not the Columbia signed, Rick Rubin produced band that has CD's sold at Starbucks and a big radio single. They were seemingly small town boys playing free shows at the Pittsburgh Arts Festival and were making good impressions in local folk and indie circles across the country. Unlike some people, I'm not mad at the Avett Brothers for making it big. I don't resent that they signed with Columbia or allowed Rick Rubin to help guide their recordings, I'm just glad that I am able to say I liked them before those days.

I remember the first time I saw the Avett Brothers play at the Carnegie Library and Music Hall in Munhall. We were near the front, and it was the most energized concert and excited crowd I have ever seen. Between songs there was a buzz in the audience about what would come out next, and for every song the applause started all over again. After the show I waited outside with my brother, Jake Nelko, and some of Jake's friends. Everyone waiting outside was pretty laid back. People were just kind of chilling in their little circles talking about the show. Then the Avett Brothers came off the tour bus and started making their way around to the different circles. I was amazed at the way it all went down. People were just cool and waited patiently for the Avett Brothers to come to their circle. They weren't rushed by mobs of fans, they weren't being hassled by loads of girls, and they weren't waiting for the fans to come to them. The Brothers just made their rounds, hanging out, graciously signing autographs, throwing frisbees with their fans, and stopping for a picture with my brother and I (as you can see below).

I have seen the Avett Brothers a few times since they've become a big name, and their demeanor hasn't changed. I ran into them again at Newport Folk Festival, and they were so nice and appreciative to the fans around them. Basically they're sweet guys. They play good honest music, and they really seem to love and appreciate their fans. I love seeing a band like this grow in popularity. They aren't pretentious, they aren't dark, and they don't have to add a ton of effects or choreographed dancing to make their performance entertaining.

When Jake and I are talking before an Avett Brothers concert we always talk about the different songs that we want to hear from their extensive catalog, and "If its the Beaches" always topped my list. This is an uncharacteristically mellow song by the Avett Brothers, but it is definitely one of my favorites. The song has a wonderful string section and builds into a really powerful song about loving a girl well, and doing whatever it takes to let her know she is loved. Its a good solid song. This isn't one of the more popular songs for the brothers to play in concert (probably because its mellow and their live shows are a foot stompin' party), but the last time I saw the Avett Brothers in Pittsburgh they played it. Whenever the intro to the song started, Jake and I just looked at each other and our little group started going nuts. I sang that song with everything I had in me that night, and when Scott Avett forgot the words (a rare mistake in all the awesome sets I've seen from them) I sang even harder. I like to think that when he says he heard someone singing in the audience he was talking about me.

So I love the Avett Brothers, I love this song, and they are playing a show in Pittsburgh on May 27th that you should all come see.
this is the video from the Pittsburgh show where Scott forgot the words. Like I said this is a subdued video, I would go to youtube and check out some of the other videos as well. To fans of the Avett Brothers, I would love to hear your favorite song.
Thanks for the introduction to the Avett Brothers.
ReplyDeleteScott, this one is my favorite by The Avett Brothers. Except that every time I say that about one of their songs, ten more instantly jump into my mind that rival it for the title. But seriously, this is probably the best. Except maybe Head Full of Doubt... or In the Curve... or Swept Away... or Colorshow... or Pretty Girl from Annapolis...
ReplyDeleteAnyway, yea, awesome song, and I hope your readers give it a chance and let the heartfelt lyrics sink in. I was right there with you at Chesarena last summer, and it was one of the most memorable moments out of, let's see, I think it's 9 TAB concerts I've seen to date.
BTW, I started a "song of the day" blog last month, and then a few weeks ago, noticed yours on Jake's blogroll. I wasn't copying you - just had the same idea to try and share good music with my friends (and the world!) I'll definitely keep an eye on your blog and see what stuff you turn up that I may not have heard before.
Oh my dear brother, I am in love with this band. The first time I saw the Avetts I was at the Three Rivers Arts Festival. I bought you a shirt for your birthday. This was my first time seeing them live, but I was with a crowd of about 10 good people who had seen them many times before. They used to play at The Great Blue Heron Music Festival. (The festival is laid back good people! I have felt the best vibes there than almost any other music festival.) My favorite song at the time and still to this day is Paranoia in B Flat Major. The night of the Arts Festival was just how you described a concert of theirs to be like. I kept saying that was the song I wanted to hear. There was a huge storm blowing in. People were buzzing about it. The wind started picking up and it was lightly raining while they were playing. They still had not played my song. All the sudden a loud thounder crashed and it started pouring. Everyone started running. I heard it come on... the encore, Paranoia. I listened while running to the car.I saw them play it at Chesarena in its entirety. :)From the same show:
They give me chills! One that is a close tie for about 6 songs for my 2nd favorite is Dancin Days, an older song of theirs...
Bro, this is a fantastic selection. I remember a point in this show when the whole place was quiet as they were huddled up talking about what they were going to play. Your voice was too shot to yell at this point, so I started screaming "If its the Beaches" for you. I would also like to think I had something to do with the outcome of this show. You're welcome.
ReplyDeleteI also remember thinking that I really wanted to hear "The Perfect Space." Going to the show, we filled my car with a few of my dearest friends and the lyrics were stuck in my head.
"I wanna have friends that I can trust,
that love me for the man I’ve become not the man I was."
I just seemed right. When they played it that night, it was just right.
Sick, man. I selfishly like to see my name plastered all over other people's websites. Having you hear this song live was one of my favorite Avett Brothers experiences. I love when my friends get to hear their favorite rarely played song. That was also one of my favorite encores, for sure.
ReplyDeleteNice to see tons of comments, too! My roommate Matt commented, he's got good taste in his SOTD blog, as well. May 27th is just around the corner.
Enjoyed your words about this song and the Avett Brothers. They have invaded my head and my heart with the words they find that I can't. I hope to catch them live sometime this year.